The Story behind the Logo
“Frontline Hearts” is inspired by the parable of the Good Samaritan where one fell among the robbers who left him half dead. In contrast with others who pass by (a priest and a Levite, legalistic religious guys) being too noble for such work, the “Good Samaritan” takes care of the man in deep need through first aid and all the way until he is in the inn (which has the spiritual meaning of a church/assembly). This is true, compassionate love of a “neighbor” according to the Lord’s command to love our neighbor as ourselves. "Frontline Hearts" are volunteers with a heart for souls at the front lines.
The “heart/cross Logo” is composed of a broken heart that transitions from a darker broken side (right) towards a lighter heart in which a dark cross is present (left). The heart is placed on the T-Shirts about where our physical hearts are. The meaning is deep: We reach out to those who have broken hearts through tragedies and hardships and try to give them hope and a future. But for this we need to realize that beside our physical and emotional needs we also have most importantly spiritual needs. Our hearts are stained with sin (the dark side of the heart symbol) and need to be cleaned by the work of Christ which He accomplished on the cross. The cross is so dark because all our sins were laid on Jesus and He was judged on the cross in our stead. The cross is on the side of the cleaned heart (left) as all our guilt was laid on Him and He was made to be sin for us, while all His perfection was made our part (was imputed on us). Those who through faith accept this wonderful reality realize that they have received a new completely cleansed heart.
Jesus heals the broken-hearted,
O! how sweet the sound to me
Once beneath my sin He smarted,
Groaned and bled, to set me free.
By His sufferings, death, and merits,
By His Godhead, blood and pain,
Broken hearts or wounded spirits
Are at once made whole again.