“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute ..., defend the rights of the poor and needy." Prov. 31:8-9

Meeting Hall Building Projects in Guyana’s Jungle

Meeting Hall Building Projects in Guyana’s Jungle

Come join us in constructing a meeting hall for Christians desiring to meet as assembly deep within Guyana's jungle! With the know-how of Amerindian believers and your assistance as a volunteer, we will establish a dedicated space for believers to convene and worship. If the Lord is guiding you so, lend your skills as a volunteer and become a vital part of this endeavor. Additionally, if you are interested, there is the need of spiritual follow-up teaching (basic biblical principles) that can be conducted in the evenings alongside the hands-on work. Simply complete the form today!

Locations: Orealla (ongoing), Siparuta (upcoming), Hotakwai (upcoming)

Date: Work-in-progress
